Monday, July 28, 2008
Gardening With Deer
Are they? No! Why? Because the local deer population have been sending each other text messages or other mysterious communiques indicating that our yard is the place to hang out this summer and, by the way, there's an all-you-can-eat salad bar. They missed the asparagus, but decided to use the peas as a place to nap. The tomato plants are having their tops nibbled away, and the pumpkins' blossoms are being decimated.
When I was in high school, I was in concert band with several of my classmates. After a concert, one of my friends later told me, she and her parents were just about to turn into their driveway when Margaret chanced to espy a deer among her runner beans.
"John!" she is said to have exclaimed. "Kill it!"
Whereupon her husband undertook to chase the deer with the car and pursued it into the field across the road.
I have yet to catch any deer in the garden, but they certainly do exhibit a marked lack of interest by ambling up and down the driveway and bouncing through the yard. Last week there was even one standing in the middle of a patch of peonies. She stared, I stared; she then turned and walked away without giving any indication she was the least bit concerned that she'd been seen casing the garden.
I now know exactly why Mrs. D--- wishes the deer would jump out of their skins and into her freezer.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Triple Threat

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Dog Update

She still hasn't drunk any water, even though I chased her around with the water bowl and pleaded with her to drink; she hasn't eaten anything yet, either. I can only assume that she'll go to her bowl when she's good and ready; now that she's actually lying down, she may be disinclined to get back up and tug at her wounds.
I know she's pretty exhausted, exhausted by fear at unfamiliar surroundings and people poking and prodding her, and exhausted by the trauma of being drugged, operated on, and then put in another unfamiliar place to wait for the effects of the anesthesia to wear off. When I went to fetch her, she had a little difficulty getting into the car because she was still a little groggy; I hope she doesn't decide to attempt the stairs, which could well prove dangerous in her wobbly state.
I'm upstairs now, and she's still down in the foyer. I think it's better to just let her rest undisturbed for a little while, though I told her the phone is in the pantry and she's welcome to send for pizza if she feels it's needed. I also asked her if she wanted a special pillow for her tummy, but she declined.
Another Quiz
Your Dosha is Pitta |
![]() You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader. Argumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways. But while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical. With friends: You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you In love: You are picky but passionate To achieve more balance: Be less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight. |
Dog's in surgery. I wish I could say she's performing it, smart critter that she is, but I'm afraid that's not the case. She's old, and the appearance of a tumor in her mammary tissue is the first potentially major health problem she's ever had. The vet said she's in really good shape for a dog her age (she turns nine in August, which is pretty elderly for a Great Dane), and he asked if we'd consider having her spayed as a preventative measure, just in case there's potential for any new tumors to be encouraged by the continued presence of her uterus. I wish we'd done it sooner! Poor Dog. She's going to be such an unhappy girl when she gets home. I'm trying not to worry too much. The vets at the clinic have a good reputation, so I'm sure they'll take good care of her.
I finished the purple-toed tabi this morning, so now I have an added excuse to take another stab at Laminaria. Hopefully I'll get it right this time and remember to count the stitches and make sure there are the right numbers in the right places. I do not want to have to frog this a second time.
The quiz is truly scary. Strange how coincidences work, because that's really, really me. Except for the bit about people skills.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Defeat and Pizza

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Foxy, foxy

I'm not really bothered by this, mostly because they're not likely to be too pesky. We have an enormous dog who makes a lot of noise, so they probably won't come too close to the house; our indoor/outdoor cat, on the other hand, needs to start staying closer to home, just in case someone's desperate for a meal.
I'm considering calling the local DNR guys again, because someone told me red foxes are endangered in the US. Wikipedia says they're listed as "least concern", so maybe I'll eschew calling DNR, particualrly since I'm not sure that the local guy will react with any more enthusiasm than he did when I asked about turtle conservation. Some conservation officer you are, mister! Maybe he should consider going into a different field. Humph.
Still, I take the appearance of foxes to be a good omen.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Stormy Weather
Anyway, I've been sitting on Season 2 of Supernatural and sort of nibbling away at it very slowly. Just today, after a long interval, I watched Disc 3. And was surprised. The loose end from Disc 1 does indeed pop up again, but not at all in the way I thought might happen. Gordon is a naughty, naughty boy....! I had to laugh over the way the Brothers Winchester handled him, though. No.. don't tell me. I'm sure he'll reappear eventually and have an even bigger ax to grind.
I've never been fond of dolls. Not even when I was a little girl was I fond of dolls. So "Playthings" totally creeped me out for that very reason. Not that the dolls actually did anything but sit there and stare, but that was quite enough for me, thank you. There's just something about those staring eyes and the placid appearance, especially in dolls from the Victorian and Edwardian eras, that makes me uncomfortable. Ick.
Still plenty more to get through, though, and I plan to take my time.
The new issue of Knitters magazine was in the mail today. As a general rule I don't usually pay much attention to Spring and Summer issues of knitting magazines. After all, why in the world would I want to knit tanktops or skirts? Those just aren't... me. When I took the magazine out of the plastic wrap, I was completely prepared to be unimpressed, particularly because most of the projects contained therein were exactly what I expected: tanktops, skirts, and a revolting plaid cardigan. Plaid...? Ick. Fine for kilts and boxers, but NOT, in my opinion, for a summer cardigan. The issue redeemed itself in three ways, however, by containing an article on the architecture of socks. Yes. ARCHITECTURE. Written by Cat Bordhi. The article was followed by a sock pattern using some techniques I'm not well versed in, like knitting on two circular needles. I'm a DPN devotee, but I like challenges, which makes it likely this will end up on my list of "Things I Want To Try".
There was also a feature on lace shawls and how they're born. This contained several schematic diagrams and patterns done in diagram format. If I can read cross-stitch patterns, I should be able to read these, especially since the author was kind enough to include a key. We'll see. These are mostly trapezoidal shawls, which adds another dimension to the learning process. I haven't done any lace stuff yet, so this will definitely go on my list, especially since I have a bunch of Mmmmmmmmalabrigo laceweight yarn to fool with. On the other hand, I don't know that I want to make horrible mistakes and end up ruining my lovely Malabrigo...
The final redeeming feature was a rather nice pattern for a cardigan, and no, it wasn't plaid. It was purple. A lovely, dark, almost eggplant purple with long sleeves, and a little bit of lacework around the hem and sleeves. AND, better still, the yarn suggested was worsted weight, which will make it fairly quick to knit... unlike the fingering weight Evil Ambition with which I am still struggling. I refuse to start any new projects until I finish the Johnny Jump-Up socks and the Evil Ambition. At this rate, it might well be next year by the time that happens...
Hmmm.. by the time next year rolls around, I'll probably have more episodes of Supernatural to catch up with. Nice how these things work themselves out, isn't it?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Vincenzo.... walked!
He still prefers to drag himself with his hind legs tucked into his shell, but he did indeed manage about three steps with the assistance of one hind leg or the other, but not both at the same time. It's so exciting! Like I said, I wish I had pictures. Squeeee!
I'll have to work on details for the turtle sweater contest now, won't I? :P