Sunday, June 10, 2007

Red Spartans

After much gnashing of teeth and unravelling of previous work using the Lite-Lopi yarn I found on eBay, I've finally started a project I'm pleased with and have made enough headway for it to actually look like something. At first, I wanted to use the yarn to make the Northern Lights cardigan, but discovered that, no, the pattern does not lend itself well to being worked like a Fair Isle piece when knitted in the round. It was painful to unravel that much knitting, but I did it anyway. The Lopi yarn is now being made into another Spartan Pullover, though this one is going to be a little different. I'm hoping to repeat the colorwork in the sleeves, which will be flared instead of tapered at the wrist.
On another note, I finally got around to weaving in all those loose tails on the blue Spartan. I feel so much better now.. and just a little less like a slacker. On the other hand, I really should try to do more spinning... I just want to use more of my yarn stash before I do.. 'cause I have no room! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of a bunch of acryllic yarn? I have a lot and it needs a good home.

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